Sunday, May 17, 2015

Apple Pie for One



Next, combine all of the ingredients and pile into the apple
If you were following me on instagram the other night you would've seen this beauty pop up around 8pm. I was CRAVING apple pie. I searched all over online for the best recipes and eventually threw my own little concoction together. Simple, sweet and savory! Enjoy.

- 1 green organic apple
- 2 tablespoons of quick oats
- 2 tablespoons of brown sugar
- 2 tablespoons of ground flax
- 2 tablespoons agave
- drizzle of honey (to top the apple off)

Turn oven to 375.

Core open the top of the apple and spoon a bit of the inside out, like this:
Drizzle a little honey on top... then sit back, relax and dive on on!
Lastly, top off the apple and pop in the oven for 20-30 minutes. I liked it to be a little more mushy versus crunchy. You decide what you like best! (Keep it in longer for mushy texture or less for crunchy)


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