Thursday, December 31, 2015



When I first began my weight loss, I hit the gym. I had no idea where to begin so my routine consisted of the eleptical and some weight training. I was there between 4-5 times per week. Lost weight in the beginning but by June of 2015, I hit a hard plateau. My body got used to the routine and I couldn't shed the last 10 to meet my goal weight before our wedding in October. I needed to discover a whole new way of working out, I needed the extra push. Low and behold one of my friends was holding a challenege group online, which is where I discovered Beachbody on Demand. Last month I cancelled my gym membership and workout completely from home. The programs are between 30-40 minutes long so i'm in and out and on with my day. When my body began to change, I was hooked. This my friends, is a HUGE relief to fighting the little voice. Exercise increases endorphins and other feel good chemicals automatically decreasing your stress levels. 

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