Tuesday, July 12, 2016


I've had leaders all of my life. My first one being my mother, actively raising my sister and I to happy and healthy young women. Allowing us to spread our wings and fly through schooling where again, I had leaders. Certain teachers that stuck out to me that I gravitated towards in their wisdom and knowledge. I soaked in the words of my college professors in all their vast knowledge of the word. I met with leaders in the Association I was actively involved in in college. I graduated to more leaders, bosses, coworkers, the occasional micromanager that thought they were a leader, Ha! ;)

I was following. Not in a bad way by any means, but following.  Letting them lead.

I didn't realized this was happening until I started to build a team. I'm getting choked up as I write this as my team, you guys, shifted the role in my life from being a follower to being a leader. A true leader.

Let me take a second and wipe these tears from my eyes.

Pulling the attributes of those qualities I loved so dearly from individuals that crossed paths with me. And from those I've never met! In the past year, I spent COUNTLESS hours building myself up through personal development books, Ted Talks, Youtube gurus, you name it - I've probably watched it. I did all of this to become the best version of myself, so that I too could start to help other people do the same.  It's just like a relationship, you can't expect someone else to heal you when you need to heal yourself. You've got to come first.

One thing is clear now, watching people bloom and step out of their comfort zone in wellness and career wise -- is my purpose on this planet.

There comes a tipping point where you simply can't load-up on anymore "stuff" guidance, lessons, etc. You must start to work. Put all of the material into place and start growing the tribe. Which now means to step into the leadership role.

I believe that time started yesterday in my funky "cleaning house / morning meditation" blog post.

I'm going to make a very bold statement here.

I'm going. Full steam ahead into a lifestyle that requires no boss (beyond myself), one that grants freedom to travel with my husband because we're all living on EARTH why not experience it beyond our work commute. Freedom to give back to causes we care so deeply about and do bigger things than pay bills!!!! F&%K!!! ... And I'm taking the dreamers with me.

And more than anything, I want to go to my grave with the knowledge that I tried in this lifetime. I tried with bravery and led heart-forward to grow not only for myself but to be the person that wakes others up to do the same. Work for you, your goals. Why be unhappy for another year or hell, even longer? You have this present moment. This present time. Present everything to make a change.

**You've had a lifetime of leaders already. It's time to step up and be your own**

I want to give you a first hand look at this lifestyle. The beauty behind it all, the community and quite possibly YOU waiting on the other side <3

Send an email to me at the motivatedmavens@gmail.com with the subject line: "I'm ready to learn more!" You'll gain access to my private group today.


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