Monday, July 11, 2016


Today started with an amazing meditation on my FB page and thought I'd give my readers a little tour of my new spruced up home office! 

A peek at this mornings 5 minute meditation in 20 seconds:

Be hold! The beautiful mediation pillow gifted by my sister! 

Sprung into action yesterday and cleaned the entire house. Had this *pull* to purge everything that wasn't serving us out. Not just cleaned but DEEP cleaned every corner, drawer, clothes, curtains, windows, mirrors. This place is humming with bright new energy this morning! It feels like a ton of weight has been lifted from room to room.
Came to my meditation pillow this morning and took 5 minutes to listen for the intention of the day. It came rumbling in extra quick in what I can only explain as, "welcome". Feeling of walking through a new door, opening a new chapter and setting this new intention extra high. A new level. A new place. I believe the reason why the message was so clear this morning is because I followed the pull. The little instinct that whispers to you. Pay extra attention to those sweet moments. Follow them. Journal about it. Listen.


Meditation is such a beautiful practice. It takes time to develop the lessons of quieting your mind but the outcome is so sublime. The ability to feel, think, see and love at a higher level is worth every moment spent learning how to master this. So thankful for this day and ready to welcome in this new exciting energy.

&...on to the office tour!

It's incredible to be able to work from home and finally be doing what I truly love! 
I've managed to find a little side gig that brings in a steady income as well as working towards my big dreams of wellness coaching and of course, blogging!

This board right here is everything to me. It showcases where I've been, the awards along the way and the blank space is where I'm going.

A little over a year ago, I plunged into this world of coaching and helping others on their weight loss, mindset and wellness goals. From a little group of 10 people and now just this morning, 239! Seriously makes my heart want to explode. I value each and every person that took the time to check out our group, The Motivated Mavens and make lasting lifestyle changes. I continue to build the team and look for go-getters that are eager to not only feel good in their own skin, but help others do the same as well. It truly feels like my life's work and the reason why I'm on this planet :)

In this space, we're surrounded my music and musical instruments. 
It breathes creativity into this room not only for me {being a huge music fan} but my husband, the gifted musician, that can pick these up at anytime and create some incredible new songs. 

Try creating a creative space in your own home! A little unused area that you and/or your family can go to that's all about individuality and brings out your natural talents. This is our guest room and the bed is actually up and against the wall. It'll easily come down when family or friends are here, but what's more important right now is having it as an actual creative space. We've been able to grow our side businesses from here much easier than a bedroom or kitchen table! :) Try it for yourself. 

See all of those books? Thats my past year of reading. One of the best parts about becoming a coach is that personal development (PD) is a required non-negotiable component to my daily work. I've been peeling back the pages and learning more about myself than I ever thought possible. As I grow, my team grows and the saying, "your vibe attracts your tribe" is 100% true! I've been able to connect with people from all over the globe after opening my heart and mind up to this opportunity.

Whats your favorite self-help / personal development book? 
Let me know in the comments below, I'm always looking!

The Doors are currently playing in our vintage baby-blue Corsley record player. Loving the record player pops and slightly scratchy undertone coming from the speakers.

Adorned with the worlds most beautiful dream catcher {in my humble opinion} from Earthbound Trading

My furry co-worker, Sydney and coffee from Peace Coffee! Morning ya'll!

On a side note, today starts my first day of the 21 Day Fix {another blog post coming on this!} so breakfast was superb...1 purple, 1 red + 1 green container! More on that to come. Taking time to dial it back to the basics and re-learn my portions while helping my team, The Motivated Mavens is all I could ask for.

And below, a spoonk mat at my toes. 

I love the re-charge I get from pressing my toes into the little spikes. No, it doesn't hurt it's actually a nice little pressure. 

According to,
 "Spoonk is based on the principles of acupressure and Japanese Shiatsu massage. The mat stimulates specific reflex points throughout the body, releases blocked energy, eases tense muscles, and creates deep mental and physical relaxation. Benefits include increased level of energy, reduced inflammation and pain, improved and deeper sleep." 

Neat, huh!? You can find one for yourself at a great price on Amazon

Directly above my head is the spiral of our one-of-a-kind tapestry that's adorned in elephants!

Speaking of elephants, you'll find one in every room of our home. I'm slightly obsessed ;) 

Questions for you:

1) Do you have an office space for your unique creativity? 
2) What are the must haves in your space?
3) Do you meditate? Any suggestions or guru's I should follow?
4) What books are you reading now?

Comment below, I'd love to hear from you!

xo, Seana // The Bohemain Blonde 


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