Sunday, January 3, 2016

Purple Haze Berry Smoothie

~ Say hello to my purple friend, The Purple Haze Berry Smoothie! Oh la la... (and no, it's not what you're thinking)

Good morning, afternoon...evening, whenever you find yourself here in my little corner of cyberspace looking for a good smoothie recipe. You've got it! Give this one a whirl. 

The Bohemian Blondes // Vanilla Berry Smoothie 

2 Servings

2 cups of mixed organic berries (I like mine frozen)
1 cup of cashew milk
2 packets or scoops of vanilla shakeology ( one packed = the equivalent of 7 plates of fruits & veggies and loaded with superfoods)
1 cup ice
Top with two cups water
Couple shakes of PB (powder peanut butter) 

Add everything to the blender and BLEND, baby BLEND! 

Split with you a friend, hubby, neighbor, you name it. 

xo, The Bohemian Blonde 


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