Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Guard your heart and all that good energy pent up inside..for you my darling are worthy of your dreams.

This evening I asked my team, "What can you do TODAY that you were not capable of a year ago?"
The response I got was overwhelmingly heartfelt. Everything from a simple headstand to a cord cutting session with an ex to finally losing 40+ pounds (which was actually FAR from weight loss, it was personal anxiety... the weight fell off as soon as the baggage was released).

Why do we hang onto SO much shit in our lives?

What IF for just a moment you could lay in our death bed and stare up to heavens and ask -- what did I DO in my lifetime? I pray you have a good answer.

I pray you soaked in each day. Each precious moment and made the best of it.
I pray you helped as many people as you could.
I pray you made an impact on this planet.
I pray you let go of the things you couldn't control.

I hope you let out all that good energy because darling, you're worthy of your dreams.

xo, The Bohemian Blonde

Wrap: Earthbound Trading,

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