Wednesday, April 20, 2016


See that, up there in the left hand corner, that is my daily commute home. Today was different. I truly FELT like I was LIVING an authentic life. I took a vacation day from my full time job and simply ran my DREAM day from sun-up to sun-down. + Woke up at 9am, coffee in hand {w/ a splash of almond milk}
+ Rolled out my yoga mat and set this mornings devotion to: identify and honor myself on this life journey, be present and open to receive. 
+ 90 minutes of yoga while my kitty swirled around my toes
+ Blended up my homemade superfood latte {no caffeine added}
+ Reached out to some new INCREDIBLE contacts for my blog {both terrifying and rewarding all at the same time} Keep fingers crossed that the energy I passed on receives them well.
+ Answered my Facebook inbox. Ended up in tears as a challenger of mine poured her heart out to me about weight loss and this new found FIRE she's found within {I LOVE MY JOB!}
+ Had an incredible Acai bowl for lunch that covered almost every color imaginable! 
+ Kicked major walls down with a sweet-sweet friend of my over the lunch break...Holla, Ashley! She's off and running to some incredible personal goals now!
+ Photographs taken for the new "holistic home" section to my blog {hello smudging! crystals! and oils!}
+ Soaked in one solid hour of personal development - Marie Forleo's skype sessions!
+ Capped it off with a long bike ride with my husband --- during rush hour --- Stopped dead in my tracks to take this photo because it SIMPLY gets too easy to be blinded by the daily grind. You know the feeling, dead eyes behind your steering wheel. Stop go. Stop GO. Annoyance and utter frustration to get HOME. I knew I needed to stop and observe this. I could almost feel the opening for a message to come in so I stood next to my bike and looked on {this exact photo}. I could almost HEAR the message but I sure as hell felt it and IT said, "I brought you here so you could SEE this." Messages from the Universe are precious gifts as you will then know you're EXACTLY where you need to be in that moment. Standing at that intersection of where I'm usually stopped on my vehicle to instead be observing it from my bike was.... freedom... clarity....change. 

I was now on a new route. As I went through that tunnel and onto the dirt road, I came up to another intersection. A black Jeep Wrangler approached {my dream vehicle} and on the license plate it said, "NOWISEE" Now. I. See. Really! .... Now I SEE! Almost to say, "Did you GET the message, Seana?" Yes, yes, I received the message. BE THE CHANGE. MAKE THE CHANGE. NEW ROUTE. Taking a day to do me was the BEST decision I could have made today. I was able to serve my team {my warriors} to build my brand {my blog} to explore new areas of personal development {skype sessions} and at the end of the day, ate extremely well and got my workout in TWICE! Gave back to a close friend of mine in a race she'll be running {donation to World Wildlife Fund} so she can continue to live out her passions! 
SO MUCH POSITIVITY and good energy going out! While it may not seem like much, it was yet again a new shift for me to keep going - keep pressing on. -- Take from this what you will but here's my message to you -- Take a day to DO YOU. Be authentic. Stay away from the television - no need to watch other people live out their lives. And really, DO YOU in whatever it is you LOVE most! It's the BEST gift you can give yourself. Stay open and willing to receive messages, you never know, maybe it'll stop you dead in your tracks and open a whole new adventure! Love + Light, xo, The Bohemian Blonde

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