Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Spring is here! Time to get outside and seriously enjoy these amazing evenings ahead. Forecast calls for 70 degree days all week -  yippy!

If you're anything like me, I suffer from shin splints and usually right around this time of year, I get an urge to run but need something to help lessen the pain.

Here's some tips that'll surly help you out!

1) Make sure you're stretching before your run to get those muscles ready for impact. Quick side to side stretch is great.

2) If you have a tree or building nearby, try these calf stretches to get the back of the legs ready for running. 

3) For a lesser impact on your knees and shins, take your run to the grass and off of the concrete all together.

4) End your run wth a foam roller like this one. It helps release the tight mussels and gives a mini massage at the same time. Make sure to use slow and controlled movements. Start on the top of your shins and move to the calf muscles on the back. This is my god-sent and worth every penny! Here's where I got mine: 

Here's a quick video on how to use it: 

5) Last but not least.. I love to add a little peppermint oil (very small amount, 1 drop max) with lavender oil to some almond oil and rub down the front of my shins. The peppermint oil relaxes the muscels and lavender soothes. Amazing combo! I purchased mine through Young Living.

If pain persists, make sure you have sturdy footwear! Any local performance footwear place can
assist you in getting the right fit for you!

Enjoy it out there!

xo, The Bohemian Blonde 


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