Thursday, March 24, 2016


I'm beyond thrilled to share with you the nitty gritty details on my 3 Day Plant Based Cleanse i'll be doing with the Motivated Mavens this month!

Why Refresh?
• You need a clean break from a period of unhealthy eating.
• You used to eat pretty well but have recently fallen off the wagon and need some help getting back on.
• You want to jump-start healthy eating habits for a new workout program. 
• You want to quickly lose a few pounds for an upcoming event.
• You’ve never been a healthy eater, but are ready to kick-start better nutrition for the first time.
• You want your clothes to fit better.
• You want more energy.
• You love food and want to be satisfied while you lose weight and get healthier.
• You’ve tried liquid fasts or other fad diets and they simply don’t work.

For 3 Days, you’ll have a superfood-packed shake for breakfast (Vegan chocolate, my absolute favorite) along with a fruit option; a Fiber Sweep digestive health drink later in the morning; a satisfying, high-protein Vanilla Fresh shake for lunch, accompanied by fresh fruit, vegetables, and healthy fat options throughout the afternoon. For dinner, you’ll have another Vanilla Fresh shake along with your choice from a list of delicious, easy-to-prepare dinner recipes. You can also have tea twice a day and as much filtered water as you like (we suggest you drink AT LEAST half your bodyweight in ounces per day).

Here's a breakdown of the meal plans, shakes, water, etc!...

Here's what a sample day could look like for you:

Breakfast: Start with your Vegan Chocolate Shakeology blended with water and one serving from the fruit list. How about half banana, and mixed it in the blender with the Shakeology? Score! (you can eat it separately too!) Unsweetened herbal or green tea. (Stevia sweetener is allowed if you need it!

Mid-Morning Snack: Fiber sweep drink with filtered water.

Lunch: Vanilla Fresh Shake blended with water and one serving of fruit. How about 12 medium strawberries and your Vanilla shake? Score! (You can eat the fruit separately too.) You also get to eat one serving of veggies and one serving of a healthy fat. I went with sliced red pepper and two tablespoons of spicy hummus. 

Afternoon Snack: One serving of vegetables and one serving of healthy fats. How about five baby carrots and a teaspoons and a half of almond butter – carrots and almond butter it's my jam!

Dinner: Vanilla Fresh Shake blended with water and a bit of cinnamon sprinkled on top. One serving of any of the dinner recipes found in the book. I chose the veggie stir-fry made with green beans, carrot, bell peppers and fresh grated ginger (YUM!).  It was a small portion, but tasty and filling. Plus, you get to have an optional 1 cup of organic vegetable broth. I seasoned mine with cayenne pepper and some chopped cilantro. It was tasty!

The choices are endless, take a look at the veggie and fruit options below....

Here are the healthy fat options mentioned above...

You'll have 3 packets of FIBER SWEEP and 6 packets VANILLA FRESH of see the full details below and why this part of the cleanse is so important. 

Getting enough WATER on your cleanse is also very important! 

Unboxing the 3-day refresh!!! 

Ready to start? Here's the link to follow to get your complete 3 Day Refresh! 

I'm here for support! I've done this cleanse two times now, usually with easy season change! Find me on Facebook, send me a friend request and  I can send over some of my favorite bonus recipes! >>> 

Here's my before and after transformation from the last 3 Day Refresh:

Here's some pictures of what I ate each day:

Soon after taking this picture, I decided to purchase this romper from Hazel & Olive! Felt great getting a size medium over my normal larges! 

Looking forward to summer with you! 

xo, Seana // The Bohemian Blonde 


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