Tuesday, June 28, 2016


One of the most common questions I get asked about coaching, blogging, building my side job outside of my 40+ hour full time job is -- where do you find the time?

Here's my suggestions and what I've been following for close to a year now. 


It's honestly very simple but it requires a total change in your mindset to start thinking of time as blocks, you get 24 of them every single day. Roughly 8 of them out of the day are are at a full time job. However, you do have 1 (or perhaps 1/2 a block for lunch). This can be compounded over a week to make up a total of 2.5 hours or 5 hours. The compound effect comes in when you look at this time over a month. For every hour long lunch break you've plugged into your side job, you'd be at 20 hours. You've essentially worked part-time, over a month, on your side job at this rate. 

Plan ahead to always use this lunch break time. Stay away from the water cooler or office gossip, it isn't worth it and 9 times out of 10, you leave feeling shittier and uninspired. This is not a sacrifice if you're working towards success. 

Now, you also have roughly 5 hours between the time you get home and when you rest your head. This right here is the golden time. Yes, some of you have kids and other items to take care of, but make time for you after they go to sleep. Make sure that you're setting aside at least 2-3 more hours to fully commit and staying focused on the goal or task as hand. 

Turn the TV off, stop scrolling Facebook, Pinterest, etc, etc.... just think for a moment how much time you waste by doing that. Add it all up over time and think of what you could have been working towards! 


I know you're now thinking -- I take this time to relax afterwork and decompress. I get that. But IF you happen to be in a situation or job that isn't suiting you or filling your cup so to speak, how and WHEN will you ever change it? 

Don't get bogged down by the pressures of people around you, the dreams they might have for you, the society cookie cutter lifestyle. You CAN make a change but you've got to change your mindset first or else you're going to end up 40+ years at a job you're not happy with. 


Often times the night before I will write down what tasks need to be accomplished for the next day, that way I'm not aimlessly trying to figure out what to do. I write down where I left off and what's next. Once it's on paper, it's out of mind. 

At what times should these items be done? Lunch break, evenings or maybe you're a morning person? Slot it in. 


If it means getting up a little early to get the workout in, do it! You're bound to feel extra light throughout the day! OR, swap out that lunch break if you can to work out. OR get it done right when you get home. 

Remember this is all about you right now and tuning in. May sound selfish but do you think ANYONE that has any level of success got to where they are today without putting themselves first sometimes? 


I have a non-negotiable power hour every single day. The top of the list item needs to get done within this time frame. Sometimes I'll even set a timer so I don't go beyond my 1 hours limit.... which, let me introduce you to....


I suggest you become very familiar with the book, Eat That Frog. Understand the fundamentals behind the theory. Stop putting stuff off to get to later on, accomplish it now. Nip TIME in the bud so you can move on. Don't ignore the email or task, just simply, DO IT!


None of this will work unless you have a sturdy, "WHY" you need to know deep down in your heart WHY you want what you want. 

Here's an example:

My "why" is the gain financial freedom


Because I want to be debt free and able to travel


Because I don't want to worry about paychecks, money, debt, etc...


Because I've seen family members not live a fulfilling life and I don't want to die without knowing I didn't try to go after my dreams 

^^^^ that, that's my why. 

Keep asking yourself, WHY until you get to the root cause. 

Your WHY should be so powerful that it wakes you up at night, yearn at your soul during the day and shows up in almost everything you do. 

Hang on to that, treasure it. You wont find that in any magazine, tv show or watching someone else live their dreams. Do it for you. 


We set 11pm as a mini-date every single night. We plan to either watch a show together or talk more in-depth about the day. I understand this might not be the ideal time for other people so find the hour block that works best for you (we happen to be night owls). Whether you're attached or single, it's important to turn all work off and decompress before sleep. A little tip I heard a long time ago: plan to think, talk or write about what you need answers on before sleep because during sleep, your subconscious mind will work to find the answer(s) for you. So, if you're stuck or need clarity, make that thought be all that you think of before meeting with the sand man. 


When all else fails and you're seeking internal wisdom or guidance, stop, drop and meditate. Ask for answers and you're bound to get them in messages and signs throughout your days to come. 

You only get 24 each day, make good use out of it! 

xo, Seana // The Bohemian Blonde 


Monday, June 27, 2016


Something pretty intense has been happening lately, I've been waking up to "activity" at night.

Let me explain, I've been waking up to major thoughts. Almost like poetry pouring in through into my head but it's different, it's wisdom.

And let me freak you out even more, I think it's either my guardian angel or something of the sort working through me while I sleep.

Groovy, huh?

They're full of positive energy that I've been writing down pieces as I get them. Mostly in short little snippets.

Last week I was having this conversation in my dream about looking up to the moon, the star next to it being Jupiter, the star to the bottom right was Mars. Anywho, the conversation with this person, whom I couldn't tell who it was, was telling me to, "keep going, keep doing what you're doing" the way it was delivered was almost like a bad cell phone reception, scratchy and spotty.

I absorbed the message from the dream, thinking that's all it was.

Until two days later.

I was on the phone, sitting outside talking to a relative of mine. The conversation of looking at the very same moon and stars started to play out...

deja vu strikes and sets in.

I've already had this conversation. We go on and on.... what's that star? I say Jupiter. And that one? Mars.

A long conversation ensues and she says at the end, "keep going, keep doing what you're doing."

Hair stands on end. Message received.

From a very vivd dream, this event has already occurred and deja vu confirmed it.

Perhaps this is meant for you too reading this right now...keep going, keep doing what you're doing too. 

I recently came across a quote that was so good, I have to share it here:

Finding your passion isn't just about careers and money. It's about finding your authentic self. The one you've buried beneath other people's needs ― Kristin Hannah

xo, Seana // The Bohemian Blonde 


 Welcome summer, I've missed you! The changing of the seasons is by far one of Minnesota's best reasons why we all stick around here. The brutal winter months bring fresh air to Spring and now, summer is upon us. 

This past week was jam packed from accidentally / somehow throwing out my neck which turned my high intensity workouts into some careful moving yoga. 

Sydney is such a great workout partner, can you tell? ;) I just recently stumbled upon an amazing site called, oneOeight. You're able to stream tons of amazing workouts from your laptop for $14 per month and it's everything from Level 1 to Level 3. The best part of this website is that there's also recipes, meditation guides and numerous opportunities for travel for retreats. Check it out for yourself! www.oneoeight.com

This week was also filled with fitting in more greens while trying to get this body back in order. Here's one of the best takeaways that you can make in a matter of minutes, lemon asparagus!


  • 2 lb. asparagus, tough ends trimmed and stems peeled
  • 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • Zest of 1 lemon
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste
  • 1 lemon, cut into 8 wedges


Position a rack in the upper third of an oven and preheat to 450°F.

Arrange the asparagus on a baking sheet.

In a small bowl, whisk together the olive oil, garlic and lemon zest. Brush the asparagus evenly with the oil, turning the spears to coat well, and season generously with salt and pepper. Arrange the lemon wedges around the asparagus.

Roast until the asparagus is tender and just turning golden, 6 to 8 minutes. Transfer the asparagus to a warmed serving platter and drizzle with the pan juices. Serves 8.


Thursday, June 23, 2016


Have you tried ‪#‎goldenmilk‬ before? Its turmeric + coconut milk + honey 🐝
So delicious for an evening boost!

Why drink this super herb elixir? Here's why!

According to MindBodyGreen
 "Recently turmeric has gained the recognition of the scientific community for its potential for lowering cholesterol,reducing blood sugar in diabetics, relieving arthritis, supporting liver function, improving digestion, reducing menstrual cramps, and reducing inflammation in the colon. Its broad medicinal uses are likely due to its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antioxidant qualities." 

It's the perfect little evening treat before sleep as it helps induce a restful sleep. 

If you don't want to buy this bottled version, you can make your own! Here's how:

  1. Add ¼ tsp of turmeric powder to ¼ cup of water in a pot and heat until it becomes a paste—stirring occasionally to help dissolve the bright turmeric powder
  2. Add 1 cup coconut milk to the turmeric paste
  3. Add 1-2 tsp of either ghee, coconut oil, or almond oil to the milk mixture (we loved coconut oil in this home!)
  4. Add a pinch of cinnamon powder
  5. Add 1 tsp of honey once the milk has cooled enough to touch
  6. Swirl everything together and sip it down! 
xo, Seana // The Bohemian Blonde 


Tuesday, June 21, 2016


I was talking to someone close to me the other night who has lived a long life, accomplished many things to provide for her family, been through more than you can imagine... took a deep breath and said this to me:

"....Some nights I lay awake thinking about what I've truly accomplished in this lifetime? What did I do? Who did I become?" 

I didn't know what to say. 

This person whom I've looked up to my entire life was asking such a deep question that didn't know how to even attempt to respond. 

I proceeded to tell her that she created a home, a family, she served so many people in her job, she helped raise me and my sister. She was everything and MORE to me when the road through my childhood was so rocky, she was the anchor for stability. She so easily kept our minds off what was really going on. She was the feeling of home and always will be. 

How was this person was questioning her accomplishments? 

Currently sitting here, outside on my patio as a big summer storm swirls in around me. To the left and right are both massive thunderhead clouds and I'm right in the middle, straight up, blue sky -- in what looks like the eye of the storm feeling an utter connection to the universe saying, "it's ok"

I do not know what to make of it all, I want her to know how much she has meant to me my entire life. 

I also took it as a major wake up call. 

I sometimes want to yell up to the skies, WHY! WHEN! HOW! JUST SHOW ME!!!!

The utter frustration of everything makes my head spin. ALL of the things I want to do and what feels like very little time. The days go faster than ever now and when I ask elders why that is, they said repetition and similarity. Each day is the same, for the most part.

You get up, make coffee, drive to work, sit in shitty cube, listen to people bitch about their job, do work that somedays makes no sense, leave right at 5pm, sit in traffic, complain to your husband about the bitching employees, make dinner, work out, go to sleep. Sound about right? We're all SO damn unhappy with how things are playing out and so many of us DON'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!

Really! Just complain and put the spotlight on bosses and middle managers who are just running the rat game themselves and equally as unhappy because they TOO had dreams. They too probably don't want to be there or work with you. 

I heard the follow statement one time that completely changed my life. 

It's EASY to get a job, any job once you're out of college. They want you, they're hungry for you to clock in, clock out, sell your short lived soul here on earth but you my friend, need to know you're worthy of so much more. You have two choices; work for someone else or work for yourself, that's it. 

Try for a moment to turn the tv off and stop watching other people live their lives, LIVE yours. Do what you love the SECOND you leave the office. Gain skills and master your abilities so you won't be sitting at the very late stages of your life asking, "what did I do?" DO it now while you still have time.

It isn't in my interest to live in the 9-5 box, or any lines for that matter. I seek color and individuality. And while so many things scare the utter shit out of me, I DO IT anyways. I trust that no matter what, the divine universe has my back and that I need to follow this pull and preach...because for someone, somewhere to know that if they even have a glimmer of this feeling in their system to chase the hell out of it. 

I'm not a meditation guru, but I created a youtube series on it.
I'm not a photographer but I self taught myself from again, youtube.... FREE!
I'm not a nutritionist, I wanted to lose weight and found a community and methods that worked for me.
I'm not a personal trainer but I give you one hell of pep talking and will be with you from day 1 to day 365.
I'm not a life coach but I seek to help people break free from their limiting beliefs.

I am myself, which is who I'll be this entire life for a long as I get on this planet. 

I will make my lifestyle my career.
I will continue to grow and gain certifications in things I find interesting.
I will help others find their way in the exactly as I found mine, through self development.

WHEEW! Let me shake my wrists for a second!

Feels good to proclaim that, let go and shed some barriers! Step into the light and when the eye of the storm suddenly surrounds you, look up, it's bright skies are straight ahead. 

I want to hear from you now, what is it that was an ah'ha moment in your life? What did you do to overcome or change? 

xo, Seana // The Bohemian Blonde 

Sunday, June 19, 2016


Its safe to say that working from home {outside!!!🌈🌈🌈}, in workout clothes and getting a workout in over lunch {💪+🍑today 😂} is totally my jam 👌...‪#‎thankful

xo, Seana // The Bohemian Blonde 

Thursday, June 16, 2016


Wheres my Nutribullet peeps at?
30 second breakfast that's uber delicious and packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, prebiotics and more -- that'll keep your gut health in-check and belly full till lunch! 👊
**Almond Chocolate Raspberry**
Load up your nutribullet with the following...
+ 1/2 cup ice
+ 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
+ 1 cup filtered water
+ Raspberries (fixers, 1 purple container!)
+ 1 packet of vegan chocolate shakeology
+ 12 - 15 almonds (plain/ not salted)
Blend everything and keep 5 almonds to top it off. Makes for a nice little surprise crunch later!

xo, Seana // The Bohemian Blonde 


Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Making lunch and adding a powerful herb! 
Our favorite….#Cilantro! Bonus…it’s extremely detoxing for your system!!!
#Cilantro is a fantastic heavy metal detoxifier as it has been found in numerous studies to remove heavy metals from the body. Almost ALL of us are walking around with heavy metals in our bodies! 
Prime example: Do you have silver fillings in your teeth? Heavy metals can get into your system through through consumption of non-organic food, eating certain fish, using deodorants, using conventional water supplies, smoking, cooking in aluminum vessels or with aluminum foil (guilty!), taking over-the-counter drugs like antacids and even vaccines.
Heavy metals can cause serious kidney problems, heart problems, cancer, brain deterioration, lung diseases, and weak bones. Needless to say, its important to detox them out.
Cilantro has the ability to capture mercury from the brain and central nervous system by separating it from the fat tissue and transferring it into the blood and lymph where it gets removed safely in combination with blue green algae called #spirulina(see past post on my wall for more details in this!) This powerful duo 💃 is also found in SHAKEOLOGY!!! 
This combination provides relief from mercury poisoning and toxicity. Various chemical compounds in cilantro bind to toxic metals and facilitate their removal by loosening them from the tissues.
Moral of all this long post?! 

Start incorporating more fresh cilantro into your clean meals and remove those heavy toxins from your system!

How you like to cook with cilantro? Any good recipes? 

xo, Seana // The Bohemian Blonde 




This captivating Capricorn 

xo, Seana // The Bohemian Blonde 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Here's what I can promise you as a coach. You WILL have days of failure, you WILL have hard falls, you WILL get in your head, you WILL struggle, you WILL second guess. 
Yes, sounds glorious doesn't it? 
>>It is<<
Because here's what also happens.
You GROW 🌱
You RESET every single day, you LEARN, you get to know YOURSELF. You'll experience the most heartfelt messages that will leave you in tears of pure LOVE. You'll experience what it's like to really enjoy the fruits of your labors, you will get in shape and improve your wellness habits, you'll GO deeper with yourself, your thoughts, emotions, friends, family >>> you become accountable and responsible for your ‪#‎LIFE‬!
>>Let this be your awakening if you've been watching<<
Take action and join me tonight at 8PM CST.
I want to hold the door open for you this evening and show you what this world is all about in a sneak peak event happening in a private group page.
Message me directly or below to be included in tonight's event!

xo, Seana // The Bohemian Blonde 

Monday, June 13, 2016


Are you a pizza freak show like me? You've gotta try this!

I found this recipe on, kalynskitchen.com and just had to try it out. Drew and I both loved it! You'll have you try and see for yourself!

>>> http://www.kalynskitchen.com/2012/08/recipe-for-julia-childs-eggplant-pizzas.html 

xo, Seana // The Bohemian Blonde 



If this Monday workday has you seeing red, get out and start seeing ‪#‎green‬!
xo, Seana // The Bohemian Blonde 


There are over 410 LIVE beating hearts on this call right now and I'm so beside myself in my thoughts that I could burst right open.
A YEAR ago I took this jump and what I'm finding is that some people THRIVE, some people DIVE.
We get into the drivers seat and start to drive, we're enjoying it, windows down and it starts to rain. We either make a choice to drive on, wait it out, or turn around. 
Rain WILL come, but there's a rainbow on the otherside just WAITING for you to witness it because YOU drove yourself there!!! If you give up on YOURSELF and turn around, you'll never know where the road was going!!!!
Take your life into your OWN hands and don't give up from a little rain. Even IF its hard! Life is hard!!! We ALL know this. But what's even harder -- not living in your purpose or passion. Because that right there >>> is simply hitting the punch clock day in and day out with no zest or fire left in your soul.
Hustle HARD. DREAM HARDER and by all means, ‪#‎DRIVEON‬ 

xo, Seana // The Bohemian Blonde 


This is such a good put-everything-into-perspective book!
Woke up around 5:30 to finish my Summer Solstice List because I've found that without a plan, I don't move forward. Without an objective, I just hover. 
Setting dates, 90 day goals and small little victories is MUCH more feasible to manage vs. trying to do everything all at one time. 
Time to "EAT ALL THE FROGS" and start checking off the list! 🎉 👊
What's your favorite way(s) to stay accountable and driven?

xo, Seana // The Bohemian Blonde 

Sunday, June 12, 2016


It's been an uphill and downhill week between flipping so many plates in the air! It's time
to kick back, relax and get in that afternoon siesta after a long bike ride! 

xo, Seana // The Bohemian Blonde 


Starting tomorrow -- we all have 3 WEEKS until July 4th!!! 🎉🎉🎉... can you believe it!?
I'm looking for 5 serious people that want to get FIT before the 4th with me!‪#‎helloREDbikini‬ 👊
Past challengers have lost anywhere from 5 to 14 pounds in the program that I run in a private accountability page! 💃
I'll provide you with the shopping guides + meal plans + daily motivation to get 30 minutes of workouts in!
Message me or comment below and I'll send you the event details!
We start tomorrow! 

xo, Seana // The Bohemian Blonde 

Saturday, June 11, 2016


Beyond inspired by Miss Bethanie and a sweet little convo we had yesterday that I decided to take my workout outside and send back my woman warrior vibes! ‪#‎peaceandlove‬, girl!!!! ++💪

Follow me on SNAP! @thebohoblonde :)

xo, Seana // The Bohemian Blonde 

Friday, June 10, 2016


Attempt at a fishtail....failed! Oh well, messy it'll have to be! Off to do some beachy photography for the blog 📷 follow on snapchat >>> @thebohoblonde 

xo, Seana // The Bohemian Blonde 


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