Tuesday, June 28, 2016


One of the most common questions I get asked about coaching, blogging, building my side job outside of my 40+ hour full time job is -- where do you find the time?

Here's my suggestions and what I've been following for close to a year now. 


It's honestly very simple but it requires a total change in your mindset to start thinking of time as blocks, you get 24 of them every single day. Roughly 8 of them out of the day are are at a full time job. However, you do have 1 (or perhaps 1/2 a block for lunch). This can be compounded over a week to make up a total of 2.5 hours or 5 hours. The compound effect comes in when you look at this time over a month. For every hour long lunch break you've plugged into your side job, you'd be at 20 hours. You've essentially worked part-time, over a month, on your side job at this rate. 

Plan ahead to always use this lunch break time. Stay away from the water cooler or office gossip, it isn't worth it and 9 times out of 10, you leave feeling shittier and uninspired. This is not a sacrifice if you're working towards success. 

Now, you also have roughly 5 hours between the time you get home and when you rest your head. This right here is the golden time. Yes, some of you have kids and other items to take care of, but make time for you after they go to sleep. Make sure that you're setting aside at least 2-3 more hours to fully commit and staying focused on the goal or task as hand. 

Turn the TV off, stop scrolling Facebook, Pinterest, etc, etc.... just think for a moment how much time you waste by doing that. Add it all up over time and think of what you could have been working towards! 


I know you're now thinking -- I take this time to relax afterwork and decompress. I get that. But IF you happen to be in a situation or job that isn't suiting you or filling your cup so to speak, how and WHEN will you ever change it? 

Don't get bogged down by the pressures of people around you, the dreams they might have for you, the society cookie cutter lifestyle. You CAN make a change but you've got to change your mindset first or else you're going to end up 40+ years at a job you're not happy with. 


Often times the night before I will write down what tasks need to be accomplished for the next day, that way I'm not aimlessly trying to figure out what to do. I write down where I left off and what's next. Once it's on paper, it's out of mind. 

At what times should these items be done? Lunch break, evenings or maybe you're a morning person? Slot it in. 


If it means getting up a little early to get the workout in, do it! You're bound to feel extra light throughout the day! OR, swap out that lunch break if you can to work out. OR get it done right when you get home. 

Remember this is all about you right now and tuning in. May sound selfish but do you think ANYONE that has any level of success got to where they are today without putting themselves first sometimes? 


I have a non-negotiable power hour every single day. The top of the list item needs to get done within this time frame. Sometimes I'll even set a timer so I don't go beyond my 1 hours limit.... which, let me introduce you to....


I suggest you become very familiar with the book, Eat That Frog. Understand the fundamentals behind the theory. Stop putting stuff off to get to later on, accomplish it now. Nip TIME in the bud so you can move on. Don't ignore the email or task, just simply, DO IT!


None of this will work unless you have a sturdy, "WHY" you need to know deep down in your heart WHY you want what you want. 

Here's an example:

My "why" is the gain financial freedom


Because I want to be debt free and able to travel


Because I don't want to worry about paychecks, money, debt, etc...


Because I've seen family members not live a fulfilling life and I don't want to die without knowing I didn't try to go after my dreams 

^^^^ that, that's my why. 

Keep asking yourself, WHY until you get to the root cause. 

Your WHY should be so powerful that it wakes you up at night, yearn at your soul during the day and shows up in almost everything you do. 

Hang on to that, treasure it. You wont find that in any magazine, tv show or watching someone else live their dreams. Do it for you. 


We set 11pm as a mini-date every single night. We plan to either watch a show together or talk more in-depth about the day. I understand this might not be the ideal time for other people so find the hour block that works best for you (we happen to be night owls). Whether you're attached or single, it's important to turn all work off and decompress before sleep. A little tip I heard a long time ago: plan to think, talk or write about what you need answers on before sleep because during sleep, your subconscious mind will work to find the answer(s) for you. So, if you're stuck or need clarity, make that thought be all that you think of before meeting with the sand man. 


When all else fails and you're seeking internal wisdom or guidance, stop, drop and meditate. Ask for answers and you're bound to get them in messages and signs throughout your days to come. 

You only get 24 each day, make good use out of it! 

xo, Seana // The Bohemian Blonde 


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