Thursday, June 9, 2016


Mmmmm drinking some green sea vegetables. HA! sounds nasty doesn't it? ....let me explain.
‪#‎Spirilina‬ is a sea vegetable in concentrated form and it's LOADED with benefits! Check this out >>>
+ Enhances Immune System
+ Improves Digestion
+ Suppress bad bacteria like candida and e-coli and help strengthen the good digestive bacteria that help reduce stomach bloating and help increase digestive health
+ Increases Energy and Endurance
+ Detox’s metals and toxins from the body and blood
+ It is a great detoxifier because it naturally contains manganese, zinc, copper, selenium and other minerals that help neutralize free radicals that cause cell damage
+ Cleanses the liver and kidneys
+ Balance blood sugar levels to help control cravings, appetite, and weight Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels
+ Reduces inflammation and water retention
+ Reduces seasonal allergies
+ Anti-aging: high antioxidants
+ Eye Health: more beta-carotene than 10 carrots!
+ Enhances nails and hair Spirulina is the highest source of vitamin B-12.
One would probably think this would taste disgusting, it's actually one of the 70 superfoods packed into my daily shakeology and this concoction i'm sipping tastes like a ‪#‎cinnamonroll‬! It's a win, win! 
How would this help your body + digestive system? Interesting trying a sample? I've got you covered. Email me at or drop a message below
xo, Seana // The Bohemian Blonde 

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