Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Making lunch and adding a powerful herb! 
Our favorite….#Cilantro! Bonus…it’s extremely detoxing for your system!!!
#Cilantro is a fantastic heavy metal detoxifier as it has been found in numerous studies to remove heavy metals from the body. Almost ALL of us are walking around with heavy metals in our bodies! 
Prime example: Do you have silver fillings in your teeth? Heavy metals can get into your system through through consumption of non-organic food, eating certain fish, using deodorants, using conventional water supplies, smoking, cooking in aluminum vessels or with aluminum foil (guilty!), taking over-the-counter drugs like antacids and even vaccines.
Heavy metals can cause serious kidney problems, heart problems, cancer, brain deterioration, lung diseases, and weak bones. Needless to say, its important to detox them out.
Cilantro has the ability to capture mercury from the brain and central nervous system by separating it from the fat tissue and transferring it into the blood and lymph where it gets removed safely in combination with blue green algae called #spirulina(see past post on my wall for more details in this!) This powerful duo 💃 is also found in SHAKEOLOGY!!! 
This combination provides relief from mercury poisoning and toxicity. Various chemical compounds in cilantro bind to toxic metals and facilitate their removal by loosening them from the tissues.
Moral of all this long post?! 

Start incorporating more fresh cilantro into your clean meals and remove those heavy toxins from your system!

How you like to cook with cilantro? Any good recipes? 

xo, Seana // The Bohemian Blonde 



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