Wednesday, June 8, 2016


photo cred: unknown.

I blocked the hubs from this post as I’m working towards something for him. Depending on where we land in these new couple years, whether that’s a house/condo here in Minnesota or out of state, I plan on one day creating a home music studio for him. 
Having a place that’s all HIS to create music, write lyrics and jam the heck out no matter what volume!!!
This incredible human being is my everything  He’s the man that pushes me to be the best version of myself, the one that holds me accountable to these big dreams and never once doubted me in this journey.
He deserves SO much because he does SO much.
Mark my word, one day I’ll be able to pick up the tab on this creation and lead him into a space that because he believed in me -- I can give back to him.‪#‎somuchmusicstudiolove‬

xo, Seana // The Bohemian Blonde 

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